Is oral sunscreen better than your regular one?

Is oral sunscreen better than your regular one?

Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Sunscreen.” Ask any skincare lover or dermatologist about the number one skincare habit, slathering on sunscreen is likely to be the unanimous answer.

A generous application (and regular reapplication) of sunscreen each day is essential for healthy and glowing skin.

When we step out, the exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVA, UVB and UVC) causes oxidative damage. It can eventually make our skin age faster, and lead to other issues like uneven skin tone, pigmentation, dermatitis and even skin cancer. That is why we need sunscreen – to protect our skin from this damage.

Sunscreens come in many forms – creams, sticks, sprays, and lotions. But did you know sunscreen tablets also exist? But before you rejoice by saying “Woah, one less step in the skincare routine", hold on. There is a lot about oral sunscreens that experts want you to know about.

Firstly, what is oral sunscreen?

Dr Geetika Srivastava, dermatologist and founder of Influennz Skin and Hair Clinic, New Delhi describes oral sunscreens as dietary supplements packed with antioxidants like vitamins C, E, and K, designed to enhance the body's natural defense against UV radiation.

Basically, these tablets are loaded with antioxidants that neutralise free radicals (highly reactive molecules that can cause significant damage to our skin cells).

What does oral sunscreen contain?

Mumbai-based Dr Priti Mahire, cosmetologist and trichologist, Skinshine Skin Clinic, tells India Today that oral sunscreen mostly contains polypodium leukatomos. “It is a natural extract from the tropical fern leaves, which has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” says Dr Mahire.

Apart from that, oral sunscreens also contain Vitamin C and Vitamin E that also neutralise the effect of free radicals developed by UV exposure.

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