Kota Factory: Jeetu bhaiya is also a product of this 'factory' and has now recognized that it isn't generating winners.

Season 3 of Kota Factory has been the most mature of the series, not because we saw Vaibhav, Meena, and Uday develop, but because we watched Jeetu 'bhaiya' mature significantly.

Kota Factory: Jeetu bhaiya is also a product of this 'factory' and has now recognized that it isn't generating winners.

In their early teens, the children of Kota Factory were sold a dream. The dream, they were persuaded, was simple: go to Kota, 'crack' IIT, get a high-paying job, and you'll be set for life. The youngsters believed it because every adult they know confirmed it. As a result, they agreed to work on an assembly line in order to achieve the success that was promised to them. However, they had no idea that the three-step success plan they had been sold meant nothing.

This season of Kota Factory has been the most mature, and not because we watched Vaibhav, Meena, and Uday grow up, but because we saw Jeetu 'bhaiya' mature significantly. Jeetu was always one of those people whose overt optimism bordered on poisonous positivity, but this time, it felt like he'd had enough of the WhatsApp-forwarded happiness phrases he'd been dishing out for years. We observed him seek therapy and reflect on the things that shape who we are, rather than what we do. Jeetu, like Vaibhav, Uday, and Meena, bought into the IIT dream once. He went to IIT, made a lot of money, and got a job he thought he loved, but when he watched someone die as a result of that goal, he found himself drowning in front of his framed engineering degree inside his rotting house in a city that's consuming his soul. He completed everything correctly, but when he needed a raft, he discovered that the factory that'made him' did not have a fire escape.

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