Shah Rukh Khan is the "top of rate card" for paparazzi, while Priyanka Chopra makes significant money with her photos.

Variety Chawla, a celebrity paparazzi, revealed that they occasionally obtain information about a star's movements from "beggars in Mumbai."

Shah Rukh Khan is the "top of rate card" for paparazzi, while Priyanka Chopra makes significant money with her photos.

Being one of the most well-liked celebs in India, Shah Rukh Khan is also a top pick among Mumbai's paparazzi. When asked recently about the star who was "on top of the rate card and hardest to spot" in a Reddit AMA, paparazzo Varinder Chawla mentioned Shah Rukh Khan. Varinder also stated that when Priyanka Chopra travels to Mumbai, the paparazzi there receive hefty salaries.

In response to the question, "Is there excitement whenever Priyanka returns to India?" Varinder answered, "Yes, we make good money whenever she comes to India." The last time Priyanka Chopra, who currently resides mostly in Los Angeles, visited India was in March. Priyanka is a global celebrity, thus people all around the world share her paparazzi photos.

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