Star fees over Rs 100 cr, demands for multiple vanity vans, entourage cost of Rs 20 lakh per day: As Bollywood biggies bomb, focus on actors’ overhead costs

After surpassing every possible movie making obstacle, a Bollywood producer gears up for the final leg of his film release– the promotions. Their star has agreed for a day-long media marathon. The maker has agreed, as per the contract, to pay for the staff of the said star. A lot of money is riding on the film. But at the end of the day, the stylist of the star hands over their bill of Rs 2 lakhs, twice the amount that was agreed upon, to the producer. What went wrong? A simple dress change by the star. “Because the star changed two outfits, the charge went from Rs 1 lakh a day! Sometimes all that is a producer is praying for, is to keep these additional costs in check,” revealed an industry source as tried finding out what is currently ailing the Hindi film industry. Also Read | Credibility crisis in Bollywood as trade slams industry’s ‘harmful’ practices; from buy one get one offer to breeding ‘paid influencers’ There is an increased demand of an urgent re-lo

Star fees over Rs 100 cr, demands for multiple vanity vans, entourage cost of Rs 20 lakh per day: As Bollywood biggies bomb, focus on actors’ overhead costs

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