Vi hopes to increase customer retention by receiving less complaints from customers.

According to data from the telecom regulator, Vodafone Idea reduced its subscriber losses to 0.68 million in March, the lowest since last August and the second-lowest since March 2023. In terms of subscribers, the third-biggest telecom provider in India had 219.8 million consumers as of March.

Vi hopes to increase customer retention by receiving less complaints from customers.

New Delhi: According to a top executive, Vodafone Idea has been able to reduce customer complaints, as seen by the fact that 60% of service requests are now handled digitally, up from 40% the previous year.

To be competitive, the telecom service provider must cut down on customer turnover and the number of customers who choose to switch to its competitors.

According to Vodafone Idea's chief operating officer Abhijit Kishore, "the remarkable decrease in customer complaints and our enhanced Net Promoter Score or NPS underscore our commitment to not only meet but exceed customer expectations," Mint was informed. Within a year, the organization had a 17% decrease in non-network-related complaints and a 55.7 improvement in transactional NPS.

See also: Vodafone Idea CEO Akshaya Moondra says the company will launch 5G services in six months.

NPS calculates the possibility that a customer will refer a product or service to others as well as their level of satisfaction and loyalty.

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