5 step-by-step meditation practices to instantly calm your anxiety

5 step-by-step meditation practices to instantly calm your anxiety

It can seem like a luxury to find moments of stillness and tranquility in the fast-paced world of today. On the other hand, you can discover calm and mental relief in a matter of minutes by using the appropriate meditation techniques. 

The Yoga Institute defines meditation as a technique that entails teaching your body and mind to attain a level of awareness and peace. It all comes down to concentrating your attention and stopping the incessant mental chatter. 

Beginners might begin by practicing basic skills like breathing awareness. This will assist them in maintaining attention on the breathing process and in gently returning their attention to the breath if their thoughts stray. As they advance, their concentration might get better, enabling them to meditate for longer periods of time. Along with

Breathing Equilibrium (Yogendra Pranayama – I)
Equal breathing is a fundamental yoga and meditation technique that is both easy to learn and incredibly effective. Its advantages go well beyond the yoga mat. The definition of equal breathing is precisely that: emphasizing inhalations and exhalations of the same length. By keeping your attention anchored in your breathing, this technique promotes focus and relaxation.

Nispand : means absence of movement. An untrained mind creates problems. A still body leads to a still mind. Hence, the human mind needs to be trained. This technique helps one to take the mind out of the body and was developed by Shri Yogendraji, the founder of the Yoga Institute. 

Trataka: Trataka is a kriya that has several advantages. It has historically been used in various forms by yogis for its amazing ability to enhance focus as well as its advantageous benefits on the eyes. 

Metta meditation, also known as loving-kindness meditation, is a beautiful practice rooted in Buddhist traditions. It cultivates kindness and compassion, not just for others, but for yourself as well.

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