CUET UG 2024: Review these useful techniques for GD and interviews in preparation for college admissions.

CUET UG 2024: Students struggle in group discussions and interviews for competitive exams because they haven't had enough experience or exposure to activities that assess their speaking and listening abilities.

CUET UG 2024: Review these useful techniques for GD and interviews in preparation for college admissions.

— Baveja Amit

Strong speaking and listening abilities are becoming more and more necessary for effective communication in professional and competitive situations, even if traditional language evaluations still emphasize written and reading proficiency.

As a result of insufficient preparation and exposure to activities that assess their speaking and listening abilities, students struggle in group discussions and interviews for competitive tests like CUET UG, UPSC, and CAT. Check out these tactics to succeed in these areas by concentrating on good communication skills, as group discussions and personal interviews (GD and PI) have become an essential component of the selection process for prestigious colleges and jobs:

Take the initiative and plan ahead: You should have a clear goal, schedule, and expectations before starting a group discussion. It is imperative to conduct thorough study on the subject, formulate pertinent questions, and foresee any obstacles or disputes. During the conversation, take the initiative to guide the conversation and gain the upper hand on the subject.

Active and mindful listening: This type of listening involves paying attention, demonstrating interest, and giving relevant feedback in addition to simply hearing what is being said. Through the numerous internet platforms that are available, one can practice this technique. 

Structure your conversation and communicate clearly: Making a good first impression and communicating your message clearly depend on it. Organize your arguments such that they have a clear introduction, a body filled with pertinent research findings, and a conclusion. Use your time wisely and stick to the discussion agenda to steer clear of convoluted discussions. It's also a good idea to wrap up the conversation first. If you need to, make index cards to help you organize your ideas and make sure you cover all the important points.

Respectful interaction with other participants: In order to make an impression on the group, group discussion participants frequently deliver their opinions in an aggressive manner. Show consideration for the thoughts and opinions of the other participants. Our industrial world is becoming more and more multicultural, and as citizens, we live in it.

Improve your body language: Nonverbal communication is conveyed through the body. Through your dress, demeanor, and body language, project confidence. An individual's personality, degree of confidence, and leadership abilities are all reflected in their body language. Thus, if you want to make a lasting impression, it's always best to act formally and professionally.

Gain self-assurance by working on these at home: Increase self-assurance by methodically desensitizing. Every day, set aside fifteen minutes to read aloud from books or articles. Once a week, practice speaking in front of a mirror to improve your articulation and mental organization. You'll see a significant improvement in your public speaking abilities with continued practice.

For everyone to succeed in the future and to ace interviews and group discussions, they must learn good communication techniques.

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