Should Mangoes Be Stored in the Refrigerator? Learn the Best Storage Practices to Prevent Spoilage

It's mango season, and if you've bought several kilos of mangoes but aren't sure how to store them properly, this article will guide you on the best methods to keep mangoes fresh and prevent them from spoiling.

Should Mangoes Be Stored in the Refrigerator? Learn the Best Storage Practices to Prevent Spoilage

Mangoes are abundant during the summer season. Among them, Dussehri mangoes stand out for their unparalleled sweetness and juiciness, often described as sweeter than honey. Mango enthusiasts eagerly await this season all year round, indulging in the fruit which has become a household favorite. Many people buy boxes full of mangoes at once from the market, but consuming them all immediately isn't feasible. Therefore, it's crucial to store mangoes correctly to prevent them from spoiling quickly. Here's how to ensure they stay fresh longer.

Many people debate whether mangoes should be stored in the refrigerator or left outside to ripen naturally. According to food experts, mangoes should not be refrigerated as it can diminish their nutritional value and alter their taste. Instead, here's how you should store mangoes:

1. Storage Before Ripening: If the mangoes are slightly unripe, avoid refrigeration. Instead, place them in a warm area at room temperature. Wrapping them in paper helps in ripening.

2. Ripening Process: To ripen mangoes, keep them in a paper wrap at room temperature or in a slightly warm place. Avoid direct sunlight as it can spoil the mangoes.

3. Refrigeration Before Consumption: Once mangoes are fully ripe, you can refrigerate them for 4-5 days to keep them cool before eating.

4. Long-Term Storage: For long-term storage, extract the pulp and store it in the freezer.

5. Storage Tips: Store mangoes in a separate box to prevent them from spoiling other fruits and vegetables.

Remember, storing mangoes in the refrigerator for an extended period can alter their taste. It's best to refrigerate them only when they are ripe and ready to eat. With these tips, you can enjoy fresh mangoes without worrying about spoilage!

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