Is veggie biryani only pulao dressed up? Which arrived first? Which arrived first?

We attempt to resolve the most significant puzzle that aficionados of the world-renowned rice preparations have to deal with.

Is veggie biryani only pulao dressed up? Which arrived first? Which arrived first?

Every few months, there is a heated argument on social media about whether vegetable biryani is actually biryani or merely pulao. The question of whether pulao counts as biryani and vice versa is then discussed. People naturally feel strongly about the distinction between the two dishes, especially since they are both so tasty. Vegetarians feel especially belittled when their pulao isn't referred to as biryani. Yes, this can seem like a First World issue, but it's crucial for anyone who prepare or consume these foods.

My goal is not to claim that Calcutta biryani, with its layers of cooked spicy chicken or pork, a potato cooked in meat stock, and a hard-boiled egg, is the best biryani. I mean, why use words to state what is already known? Rather, my goal is to differentiate

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