World Environment Day is a fitting occasion to reflect on the state of our planet's biodiversity and the critical question: Are we in the middle of a man-made Sixth Mass Extinction?

The alarming statistic that one million of the world’s estimated eight million species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction is a clear indicator that we are indeed heading towards, and potentially already experiencing, a Sixth Mass Extinction. This conclusion is supported by a multitude of scientific evidence and observations, suggesting that the current rate and scale of species loss are unprecedented in human history. The Frightening Reality of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss The statistics regarding climate change and biodiversity loss are indeed alarming, revealing the urgent need for immediate and comprehensive action to address these crises. Let's delve into these critical issues in detail Climate scientists and ecologists increasingly believe that the Earth is currently experiencing a Sixth Mass Extinction, driven primarily by human activities. This ongoing crisis is often compared to the Fifth Mass Extinction, which occurred 66 million years ago and resu

World Environment Day is a fitting occasion to reflect on the state of our planet's biodiversity and the critical question: Are we in the middle of a man-made Sixth Mass Extinction?

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